Terms & conditions


I am based in Czech Republic and I ship my ceramics worldwide.

The shipping costs are calculated by weight of products and country of destination. To see what it will cost, just add items to the shopping cart and select your country at checkout.

All packages are shipped via Czech Post. The delivery time can vary a lot, and it is hard to predict. Depending on the specific country and its current situation (especially during peak shipping seasons). Anyway, most packages are delivered in about:

  • 7 - 14 days around Europe 

  • 2 - 6 weeks overseas

Delays in tracking may occur as packages move from one post carrier to another or move through customs. It may takes up to one or two weeks, before the update appears. Especially for overseas shipments and during peak shipping seasons or holidays.

My aim is to have your order dispatched as quickly as possible but sometimes due to number of orders or timing, it may take up to 4 days before your parcel is shipped out. If you need the package shipped quickly for any reason, please let me know. I will do my best!


All payments on my online-shop are made through the Stripe payment gateway. Payment can be place using all major debit and credit cards or Apple Pay. After completing the payment, you will receive confirmation by email. You will also receive shipping notification once your order has been dispatched.
If you have a recurring problem with completing a payment, please contact me.

Customs Charges

Please note that in some countries may be charged additional customs charges, VAT and import taxes. I am not able to determine and predict what these charges may be. I can advise you to contact your local customs office to get the required information about which duties might be applicable for your parcel, before you place the order.


I will offer refunds if the item get damaged during transport or if the shipment get lost. All packages are tracked and I pack my pots carefully, so it happen very rarely, but unfortunately it cannot be ruled out. If the pot arrived in not perfect condition, please contact me with photos of the packaging materials (including box) and damaged pieces. Please also get in touch with me if the shipment get lost or the delivery time seems to be too long.

A part of the shipping costs may be refunded if the final costs are significantly cheaper than I estimated or if you place more orders which will be shipped as one package.


It is very important to me that you are happy with the whole transaction. If there is anything you would like to share, please leave me a message and we can discuss it.

You also may return anything you are not happy with. In that case, please contact me in 14 days from receiving your order to work everything out. I will refund you the price of the pot and you are responsible for all shipping charges.

Privacy Policy

This website (www.petrsklenickapottery.com) is hosted on the SquareSpace platform, which provides the e-commerce system that allows me to sell my products to you. If you choose to use this service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation with our Privacy Policy.