Petr Sklenička

I am persuing my pottery dream since the age of 11 (2010), at that time guided by my parents and grandparents. Tea found me at the age of 18, and the clay making got a new direction immediately. Today I focus on making teaware, with emphasise on details and functional qualities.

The majority of my pots are fired in a wood-burning kiln. This technology gives me opportunity to explore a wide range of materials and techniques. Guided by the original recipes, I prepare glazes and clay bodies, which fits the particular technology and place in the kiln. I often use a charcoal reduction to achieve a dark matt surface that harmoniously contrasts with other glazed pots. 

The wood firing is significant ritual for me. I feel like the pots become alive in this type of firing. It is a moment that finished the process of making and begins a new chapter in the life of each pot.

My inspiration springs from the nature that surrounds me. Being in touch with it is essential for me, and both tea and clay allow me deepen that connection. I am constantly fascinated by its delicate textures and colors. For a part of my work, I use local materials collected near my home. My further inspiration comes from the traditional forms found in eastern tea and pottery culture. Their perfect shapes,  curves and highly functional proportions will never cease to captivate me.

From the very beginning, my journey in ceramics has been influenced by Mirka Randová. Among many other things, she introduced me to the charcoal reduction firing, the technique she has been focusing on recently. Furthermore I have had the privilege to take part in her Sageteaware project.